Order of the Minister of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan
dated July 30, 2024 No. 194
PROGRAM "Birtutas terbiye"
In accordance with the instructions of the Head of State Kassym-Jomart Tokayev, at the second meeting of the National Kurultai "Adiletti Kazakhstan - Adal Azamat" in 2023, the program "Birtutas terbiye" was developed and implemented in all educational organizations.
In accordance with the instructions of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan K. Tokayev, at the third meeting of the National Kurultai "Adal adam - Adal enbek - Adal tabys" in 2024, the content of the program "Birtutas terbiye" was updated.
A unified vision of the state development and consolidation of society's efforts to achieve it are outlined, along with this, the image of the future of our country is reflected in the triad: "Fair Kazakhstan - Responsible Citizen - Progressive Nation". These components of the triad are closely interconnected and interdependent, express the strategic course of modernization and further development of the country, which is aimed at forming a fair state with strong democratic institutions and a developed legal system that ensures the triumph of law and order - the fundamental principle of our policy. This became the main idea of the "Birtutas tärbiye" program.
The key values that determine the image of the nation are included in the content of the Program, these are:
independence and patriotism;
unity and solidarity;
justice and responsibility;
law and order;
hard work and professionalism;
creation and innovation
"Justice - as a principle, responsibility - as a basis, progress - as a goal" is the main message of the Program. PROGRAM OBJECTIVE:
Formation of a harmoniously developed personality of the student based on the values of Kazakhstani culture, through the development of spiritual and moral qualities, civic responsibility and patriotism, integrity and conscientiousness.
The implementation of the Program is based on value-oriented and competency-based approaches. They are aimed at integrating training, education and development.
As part of the implementation of the competency-based approach based on the education of key values, students should develop key competencies that together determine the graduate model:
promotion of national interests;
effective communications;
service to society;
respect and adherence to social norms;
desire to achieve high results;
ability to generate original ideas.
Regular events held monthly should be aimed at forming a holistic personality of students:
September is the month of hard work and professionalism;
October is the month of independence and patriotism;
November is the month of justice and responsibility;
December is the month of unity and solidarity;
January is the month of law and order;
February is the month of creation and innovation;
March is the month of independence and patriotism;
April is the month of hard work and professionalism;
May is the month of unity and solidarity.
"Ulttyk oyyn – ult kazynasy" organization of free time for students
"Onegeli 15 minutes" holding a daily individual conversation with their child for 15 minutes by parents
"Unemdi tutynu" – formation of a careful attitude to natural resources
"Kuy kumbiri" use of kyuis instead of bells during breaks
"Menin Kazakhstanym" performance of the National Anthem of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Quotes of the week – the leitmotif of educational and extracurricular activities
"kauipsizdik sabagy" - 10 minutes within the framework of the class hour on students' observance of personal safety
Tsifrylky alemde kauipsiz kadam;
Bullingten korgan!
Oyynga salauatty kozkaras;
Omirge salauatty kadam;
Let's get started!
Let's talk about it.
PROJECTS “Balalar kitapkhanasy”, “Kamkor”, “Enbegi adal – zhas oren”, “Shabyt”, “Ushkyr oy Alany”, “Smartbala”